How Can You Personalise Your School Curriculum when it is primarily driven by National Curriculum coverage?
Have you considered that even a small shift away from the rigid one-size fits all approach could have a positive impact?
Trying to cover too much content in too much detail leads to shallow learning, reflected in poor recall and retention.
Look at what is most relevant and essential for your pupils in order to help personalise their learning.
Increased engagement; deeper and more focused learning
The National Curriculum is a generic document, and its non-statutory guidance is not tailored to regions or cultures.
An audit of your local area which includes geographical, historical and social aspects is key to identifying ways to personalise your curriculum. It is worth spending time on this, researching and using local knowledge to pinpoint the unique features of your community.
A greater sense of belonging; ownership of the learning
Don’t have time to find out and utilise specialisms, strengths, and skills of the whole school community, including TAs, parents and governors.
Devise a survey to send out to stakeholders to find out about how they can help you personalise your curriculum. We’ve created our own to help you, so just click the link below for our stakeholder survey pro-forma.
Whole school learning community; stronger relationships
You can personalise your school curriculum if you use our ‘Learning Means the World’. Click here to find out more.