Early Years Foundation Stage 2021 – stay ahead with Dimensions

early years foundation

From September 2021, schools have been following the new Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum laid out by the Department for Education. Fortunately, Dimensions’ member schools and new customers have remained fully compliant, as we’ve already done the work for you!

How we’re helping you meet the new EY Framework

The Dimensions Curriculum team have updated our Early Years Curriculum for Nursery and Reception in line with the new framework. So, the good news is you can relax in the knowledge you’ll be fully statutory.

Below, you’ll find a quick overview of how we updated our EY curriculum in line with the changes. Plus, we’ve also provided a snapshot of how ‘Learning Means the World’ was ahead of its time. In fact, it embodied many of the new changes from its conception!

Realigned to new goals

We’ve realigned our EY curriculum to meet the new Development Matters and Early Learning Goals detailed by the Department for Education.

Enhanced progression and cohesion

Your updated Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is now also linked to our Knowledge Building system. This means you can underpin your curriculum with that essential progression and cohesion that builds then through the rest of the school.

Therefore, knowledge carries through as pupils transition into KS1.

Continuous provision

Continuous provision ideas are included in your new Early Years curriculum, with outdoor learning activities featured as standard.

Holistic approach

The new Early Years Foundation Stage framework focuses on taking a holistic approach to developing the whole child.

Fortunately, this was already an integral part of our ‘Learning Means the World’ global curriculum, and this has continued to be a key element in the updated version.


The new framework states that PSED should include information on self-care and healthy eating.

Already, ‘Learning Means The World’ had a strong focus on health and wellbeing, so we’ve simply updated the objectives in line with the changes stipulated in the new EY framework.

Understanding the World

‘Understanding the World’ is a key change in the EY 2021 framework that calls for broader experiences for children from an early age.

Dimensions’ ‘Learning Means the World’ has always been a progressive, outward-facing curriculum. It offers a multitude of opportunities for children to experience and understand the world around them.

So, using ‘Learning Means the World’ will enable you to fully embrace this change in the EY framework and help shape your pupils into 21st century global citizens.

Part of the new EY framework incorporates a sharper focus on history, so we’re launching a new mini history project series for Early Years pupils, named ‘Way Back When…’

Looking at aspects of the past, linked to how familiar objects have changed over time, ‘Way Back When…’ features fun and exciting history projects that will be relatable and meaningful to younger children, helping you embrace the changes in ‘Understanding the World’.

Expressive Arts and Design

In the new framework, children should be able to develop their creativity in a number of ways, using a wider variety of tools, textures and techniques.

‘Learning Means the World’ is an arts-rich curriculum with a core focus on creativity. We understand the importance of artistic development in nurturing children who are creative, empathetic and independent young people, so this is an integral thread that runs through our entire curriculum.

How does Dimensions’ ‘Learning Means the World’ curriculum align with the new Early Years Foundation Stage framework?

Covering eight exciting themes, our updated global ‘Learning Means the World’ curriculum meets the new framework fully, embracing its ethos and giving you the foundation you need to achieve outstanding outcomes for your early learners.

We understand learning in different subjects doesn’t begin in KS1: it starts as soon as children enter an Early Years setting and embark on their educational journey.

So, our ‘Learning Means the World’ curriculum carefully considers and caters for learners of all ages, starting from Early Years and progressing cohesively throughout each stage of primary education. In doing so, ‘Learning Means the World’ engages, inspires and shapes young people to achieve their potential. 

How and when can you access the updated Dimensions Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum?

All new customers will receive the new Early Years curriculum when they sign up.

For more information about our ‘Learning Means The World’ global curriculum, or to book your Bespoke Discovery Session, hit the button below!

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