A Recovery Strategy: COVID-19 Back to School
3D PSHE “Let’s Begin Again!”
There’s a lot of talk about a “recovery curriculum” at the moment when thinking about how to get back to school. It all seems to have stemmed from a ‘think piece’ of the same title, written by Barry Carpenter. His writing sparked a flurry of activity around planning and preparation, curriculum re-writing and, as Barry puts it, “co-constructing [learning] with our students to heal this sense of loss.”
I’m not sure that we need to go to such lengths of re-writing the curriculum, but we do need to talk. We must give space for both adults and pupils to share their experiences and I agree with Mary Myatt when she talks about ‘recovery conversations.’
As our school communities begin to come together gradually under one roof once again, each pupil’s health and well-being will undisputedly be of paramount importance. It’s really important that we don’t gloss over what has just happened but that we acknowledge it and learn from it. After all, this is a shared experience on a global scale and we all have our own unique stories to tell.
This all got me thinking (so I guess Barry’s work had done its job by contributing to this!) I wanted to provide something concrete, practical, structured and strategic to help schools, in turn, provide the space and stimulus for structured conversations. So, while many teachers are still busy moving tables around, brandishing metre rulers and posting stickers about the need for vigorous handwashing, we got to work on producing PSHE recovery packs, that would help facilitate these ‘recovery conversations’.
The framework underpinning the 3D PSHE “Let’s Begin Again!” Packs focuses on five key areas and this framework provides a cohesive approach to the post-COVID recovery curriculum.
A Sense of Community
Helping pupils reconnect as a school community, recognising the important part each individual plays.
Rebuilding Relationships
Refocusing on friendships and positive relationships within school.
Re-establishing Routines
Ensuring people settle back into school life, adjusting well to necessary changes.
Respecting Space and Social Distancing
Establishing a ‘new normal’ in relation to proximity and personal space.
Experiencing Loss
Supporting pupils as they struggle to understand their emotions.
There are five lessons per phase (Early Years, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2), one for each focus area.
The Early Years Pack is designed for Reception children and consists of videos and activities linked to ‘My School’, ‘My Friends’, ‘My Day’, ‘My Space’ and ‘My Missing Things’.
The KS1 lessons are all story-based, making our unusual circumstances more relatable for younger children.
KS2 lessons build on the five key themes, looking more in-depth at the issues and challenges raised by COVID-19.
Click here to order your pack now!
Written by Elaine Sutton (Founder and Director of Dimensions Curriculum Ltd.)