Orrets Meadow has been a Dimensions Curriculum school since April 2019 and implemented the new ‘Learning Means the World’ Curriculum in September 2019.
Orrets Meadow is a special school for children aged 5-11, who have an EHCP for Social Communication Difficulties including Autism. The children are working below age-related expectations and have difficulties in reading and spelling.
Orrets Meadow’s most recent Ofsted report, October 2017, found them to be an ‘Outstanding’ school.
Impact on School
Implementing the new curriculum in foundation subjects is going really well at Orrets Meadow. It has improved the staff workload and morale, has helped with the wellbeing of staff (as it is planned and resourced). Orrets Meadow staff have personalised the learning for their setting. It has enabled staff to build on what is provided to cover other elements that their children need, such as social skills.
The staff absolutely love the ‘Subject Leader Action Plans’ (SLAPs) and it has helped the subject leaders get to know their subjects in line with Ofsted requirements.
Impact on Pupils
Orrets Meadow say that the arrangement of the curriculum ‘Learning Means the World’ with the four key areas, Communication, Culture, Conflict and Conservation has been important for the pupils who can have difficulties with these areas.
Ofsted rating: Outstanding
Orrets Meadow were last visited by Ofsted in 2017.
Comments from the Head Teacher
“We are excited about teaching our new curriculum and seeing the impact it has on our pupils’ academic and whole wellbeing.”